Looking for dental implants in Hertford? Here’s what you need to know

If you are seeking dental implants in Hertford, our skilled team of implant dentists can help. Dental implants are the only permanent way to replace missing natural teeth, and the only way a dentist can replace the tooth roots. This is important both to keeping your new teeth in place, and to preserving the health and vitality of your jaw bone.

dental-implants-hertfordIt is bone loss that is the main reason traditional dentures become loose – as the jaw bone shrinks, the fit of your dentures will change. Bone loss can also change the structure of your face, making you look old before your time.

By choosing to have dental implants in Hertford you can avoid these problems. Our Hertford implant dentist recommends replacing any lost teeth as soon as possible – ideally immediately – after tooth loss. This means that bone loss won’t have a chance to take hold, whilst the health and position of any remaining teeth also won’t be affected.

Dental implants in Hertford – your treatment options

At our Hertford dental clinic, our implant dentist can replace anything from one to all of your teeth with implants. Your journey towards a restored smile begins with an implant consultation here at our Hertford practice.

Your dentist will conduct a thorough examination, including using x-rays and CT scans as necessary to establish your current level of bone density. Most people requiring dental implants in Hertford only need local anaesthetic for implant placement, because it is extensively planned beforehand.

Dental implants in Hertford can be combined with a bridge, dentures, or a single crown, depending on your clinical need and any preference you may have for tooth replacement.

In most cases, your implants will be left to heal and integrate with your jaw for a few months. Once this integration period is complete, you will be called back to our Hertford clinic to have your permanent new teeth attached.

With good hygiene and regular visits to your Hertford dentist and hygienist, your new teeth should last for many years – often even for life.